Posted create

This term we have been reading a book it’s called ‘Posted’. I will tell you what has happened so far.

So there is this person His name is Frost and the story is coming from his point of veiw. So oneday Ruby was in class ans she had her phone they were doing a test and Mr. Jaxon (the teacher) thought she was cheating so he gave her an F. And when she was sitting in a different teachers class, the teacher saw that Ruby was on her phone and the teacher snattched the phone off of Ruby, the teacher saw she had written some really bad BAD things about Mr. Jaxon like REALLY bad things about him, so Ruby got everybodys phones taken off of them in school, they were really annoyed and at the end of the day everybody was rushing to get there phone back. A few days after there was a sticky note on Frost’s locker that said ‘Welcome to the dark ages’  meaning that its gonna be the death of them not having there phones in school.

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